

From Mobility Scooters to Electric Wheelchairs, we carry it all. Our inventory includes a selection of portable and folding mobility scooters to suit various lifestyles, while still offering ease of storage and transport. We are committed to offering every customer the highest quality of products and nothing short of it. With mobility aids it can be hard to decide what you need.  Wheelchairs are used by people who should avoid putting weight on their lower limbs or who are unable to walk. While, Mobility Scooters are beneficial for those without the upper body strength or flexibility to use a manual wheelchair. At Pheb Trust we can help guide you to the best decision on which suits you better!

Canes, Walkers
& Crutches

If you are struggling with mobility due to illness, disability or injury; worry no more! We carry a wide range of crutches which ranges from them being fully adjustable to ones with ergonomic handle options. The ones we offer typically are also lightweight, angled, and non-slip; we also offer these crutches for children.

Pheb Trust also offers canes that assist users for mobility and walking as well as maintaining an upright posture. Canes are similar to crutches in that they support the body’s weight and help transmit the load from the legs to the upper-body. However, they take less weight off the lower body than crutches and place greater pressure on the hands and wrists.

Walkers, are made up of a metal framework with four legs that provide stability and support to the user. By choosing the right one it can drastically change your lifestyle for the better. The more basic walkers have a 3-sided frame that surrounds the user. But they do make models a little more complex such as: Rollators (frame with four wheels, handlebars, and a seat), Knee walkers (similar to a rollator, this device allows the user to rest their knee on a padded cushion), and lastly a Walker-cane hybrid (cross between a cane and a walker, this mobility aid has two legs rather than a full frame. It can be used with one or both hands and provides greater support than a standard cane). All of which are available here at Pheb Trust, so feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions or inquires.

Pheb Trust Walkers and canes
MedicalBracing Edmonton


At Pheb Trust, we specialize in a range of body braces and supports; from back braces, wrist, elbow, knee, foot braces and every in between. Ligament damage can cause joints to be unstable and be quite painful if left untreated. The extra support you get from braces can go a long way. Joints that are sore or ache due to overuse can also benefit from supportive braces. Our quality braces and supports can help manage sports induced injuries and also promote faster healing. Our certified staff can help you choose the ideal brace with a perfect fitment. Call today and set up an appointment for a consultation and fitting.


Medical Compression Stockings provide modern compression therapy with clinically proven effectiveness for improving circulation, while still promoting recovery and the reduction of muscle sorness. Here at Pheb Trust, we offer medical compression socks with a wide range of styles, colours, compression levels, and lengths; all of which provide different benefits. Because Medical Compression Stockings come in different compression levels, having one of our certified staff assist in the fitting of these stockings are crucial.

Compression Stockings Edmonton